Golden Belt Telephone

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Internet FAQs

“How To” Videos

My Internet Speed doesn't seem fast enough.
Run a speed test
  1. Connect an Ethernet cable directly from your modem to your computer (testing with Wi-Fi can significantly impact your results).
  2. Go to, then click “Go” in the circle that appears in the middle of your screen.
  3. We recommend that you run the test several times, at different times of day for an accurate sampling.
  4. Please let us know if your download speed does not reflect the tier of service to which you subscribed.
What could adversely affect my test results?
  1. Run the speed test over a wired connection directly to your modem. Performance over a Wi-Fi network is greatly impacted by a number of things not within GBT’s control. Try connecting directly to the modem before running your speed test.
  2. Multiple devices on the same connection in your household could affect the reading. Try to run the test at a time when the only running device is the computer you are using to run the test.
  3. Run the speed test at different times of day. If you test during the hours with the highest network traffic, there is no way to guarantee your speed unless you subscribe to a dedicated connection.
  4. What is the age of your computer? Just like all technology, computers and equipment advance at a rapid pace. It is possible that if you use an older computer, it will be unable to fully utilize the speeds delivered over your internet connection.
  5. Make sure all programs are closed on your computer before running the test. If any programs were running when you ran the first test, shut down all programs and run the speed test again to see if it affects your results.
  6. Re-start your device to ensure an accurate reading. Try to run the speed test right after re-starting your computer, or check your Task Manager to shut down any active processes before running the test.
  7. If you have a firewall installed on your computer, it could affect the reading. Close down your firewall temporarily while you run the speed test and turn it back on when you finish.
  8. Virus and malware could also impede your computer from running at full speed. Be sure that you keep your computer protected from these malicious programs by installing virus and malware protection.

GBT provisions our modems and engineers our network to provide our customers the speed to which they subscribe. However, we cannot guarantee that you will achieve those speeds at all times, which is why the service is advertised as “up to” a specific level.

If you have run the speed test and are not completely satisfied with the results, please let us know so that we can ensure your service is properly provisioned and working correctly. Call us at 785-372-4236.

What do I do if I'm unable to access Internet?
Reboot your Modem
  1. Unplug the power cord from the back of your modem
  2. Count to 15
  3. Plug it back in.
  4. Wait a couple minutes for it to re-establish a connection. Launch a browser and wait to see if the page comes up.
  5. If this doesn’t work perhaps there is a temporary outage.
  6. Or if you have a Wi-Fi router you can try the troubleshooting steps for that item.
Reboot your Wi-Fi Router

Make sure to follow the order listed to turn the equipment off and back on in a particular sequence.

  1. Turn off your computer(s).
  2. Unplug the modem’s power cord.
  3. If a router is connected, unplug the routers’ power cord.
  4. Check for loose cables.
  5. Plug in the modem.
Check for service outage

Make sure to follow the order listed to turn the equipment off and back on in a particular sequence.

  1. Wait 15-30 minutes and try to get on the internet again.
  2. Visit our website for outage information, here.
  3. Call us at 785-372-4236
  4. In some cases service is interrupted for non-payment. If you think this may be the reason for the outage, call us at 1-800-432-7965.
How do I know what Router to get? Aren't they all the same?

Routers essentially perform the same function but are not created equal. Routers have two major categories, with and without wireless capabilities. Routers are rated as to how fast they transmit data and how compatible they are with a particular piece of peripheral equipment. Wireless routers in particular are rated as to what speed they can transmit data and also how far that data can be transmitted and its ability to transmit through certain barriers like walls and floors. Our team at GBT are happy to help with any router questions and sales.

What makes routers so important?

Routers are like cars. All cars have the same basic functions of getting you from point A to point B. Some cars are small and slow and can only hold one or two people. Some cars are large and fast and can hold 6-8 people.

Routers are similar to cars. Your internet depends on your router. Some routers transmit data slow, some transmit it fast. Some routers can support 1 connected device, some routers can support up to 15 connected devices. Your internet experience is extremely dependent on the quality of your router. 

What is a modem?

Your modem is the gateway that sits between your equipment and GBT’s equipment. It simply translates the digital signal that runs on copper, coax, or fiber cables and turns it into a signal that your router and devices can understand.

What kind of Internet Services are available with GBT?

We have a variety of Internet Services available for both residential and business customers located in the city or rural areas. Depending on your location we have fiber, cable modem, dsl, and point to multi-point connections to deliver Internet to you or your business. Speeds vary among these connections, but most range from 10 Mbps download/1 Mbps upload to 1000 Mbps down/500 Mbps up. To find the exact technology and speed that will work best for you please contact our office at 800-432-7965

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